
What's it?What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?


What is it?What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Spring break riddle 1

Who is the man?Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son.

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks as it makes as the same meaning with the sentense.1. Better ( ) than sorry. You'd better be careful than hurry.2. Don't cry over ( ) milk. It's too late to do that.3. Easy ( ), easy ( ). You can get it easier and lose as…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I ( ) to ask this of you. 大変に頼みにくいのですが。2. I'll get on it ( ) away. すぐに取り掛かります。3. Are there ( ) alternatives? 何か代替案はありますか?4. ( ) me get back to you on that. それに関しては、追ってご…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. The room ( ) to me is noisy. 私の隣の部屋はうるさい。2. What are the ( ) per day? 1日あたりの料金はいくらですか?3. Where is the ( ) gate. 搭乗口はどこですか?4. Could I have an ( ) seat, please? 通路側の席をお願いで…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I've ( ) the past behind me. 過去のことは忘れました。2. Is that ( )? それだけですか?3. Oh, I ( ) forgot! おっと、もう少しで忘れるとこだった。4. How am I ( )? どうかな...5. Do you know what I ( )? 私の言ってることがわ…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Nothing could be ( ) from the truth. まるで見当違いだわ。2. You deserve ( ). あなたにとってあんまりだわ。3. Don't ( ) it get to you. 気にすることはないわ。4. Is anything the ( )? どうかしたの?5. You ( ) it! そのとお…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Oh...I could have ( ) it to my mom. あー、母にそれを見せたかったなあ。2. I'm ( ) out today. 今日はコーヒーを飲みすぎたなあ。3. I should learn to take it ( ). 私、もっとおおらかにならなくっちゃ。4. You never know ( ) y…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. You know ( ) I'm coming from. 私の言ってることをご理解いただけましたか?2. She called ( ) sick. 彼女は病気で欠席すると電話してきた。3. Your plan may ( ). あなたのプランは裏目にでるかもしれません。4. You'll just have t…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. No ( ) ! 冗談じゃないわよ。2. My ( ). そーんな、そんな。3. What do you ( )? どう?4. Go ( ). どうぞ。5. You ( ). もちろん。

The answer

It's onion!I make it fun to grow the sprout of the onion which was old to eat in the stock.I'm enjoying to grow in the water.

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks1. I think I'm ( ) over my head. 私にはお手上げです。2. What's ( ) is ( ). 起きてしまったことはどうしようもありません。3. I think we all agree ( ) this matter. この件に関しては、すべて賛成です。4. I'm not sure ( ) is ( )i…

Baby's 1st Christmas

The Christmas season comes around. The end of the year is the busiest and exciting in a year.At the conclusion of the year and preparing for the new year, we are giving thanks and holding hope for next year.The new born baby is having the …

Amazing stone statues

I went on driving to the south and along the Jinzu riverside near Nirehara village.I crossed across the bridge on the left side and found the weird stone statues along the street. I was very surprised at the number of the stone statues the…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. What's the most ( ) fish here? ここの一番売れている魚は何ですか?2. Are you ( ) to order? ご注文を伺いましょうか?3. What's the ( ) around here ? この辺りの名物は何ですか?4. What's this ( ) ? これは何というものですか…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I'm just a ( ) drinker. お酒はおつきあい程度なら。2. I can't drink a drop ( ) getting drunk. ほんの一杯で酔っ払ってしまいます。3. I've ( ) too much already. もうすでにたくさん飲みました。4. You are ( ) your chopsticks…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Show me ( ) you've got! 根性を見せてみろ!2. He is ( ) as an arrow. 彼は真面目な人だ。3. Could you answer the ( )? 誰がきたか出てくれる?4. Third time is the ( ). 3度目の正直5. Could you turn ( ) the TV? テレビのボリ…

Blogger trouble

My blogger webpage has failed online since this morning.It says that it can't access to the server.I was very shocked and disappointed to the failure of the blog page though I had never been before.I'm so sorry for the long time absence on…

Holiday quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. It doesn't ( ) anymore. それはもういいんです。2. It's very ( ) of you to say so. そう言っていただいてありがとうございます。3. ( ) sounds very good. どちらもイマイチです。4. Do you ( ) if I sit here ? ここに座っても構…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.Q1:「彼女は、スポーツをするのが好きです。」She likes ( ) play sports.Q2:「よく運動するんですか?」 Do you work ( ) often?Q3:「1点いただきです!」 I ( ) a point!Q4:「私、この運動を毎朝やっていたの。」 I used to ( ) this e…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I know that without ( ) told. 言わなくても分かります。2. I promise I won't ( ) you down. がっかりさせません、約束します。3. Let's ( ) a bite to eat. ちょっと軽く食べましょう。 4. You have to keep a ( ) eye on it. 油断…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. OK. ( ) over there. はい、お支払いあちらで。2. For here or to ( )? 店内ですか、それともお持ち帰りですか?3. Where is the ( ) bathroom? 女性用トイレはどこですか?4. ( ) a drink. お飲み物をどうぞ。5. You'd like to make …

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. The whole plan went up in ( ) すべての計画がおじゃんになった。2. How long has it ( )? どのくらいご無沙汰ですか?3. ( ) free to raise your hand and ask. 遠慮なく手を挙げて聞いてください。4. I'd like to ( ) an issue. 問…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I'm ( ) excited to wait anymore. 私はワクワクしすぎて待ちきれない。2. I'm afraid you've ( ) me. あなたの説明についていけません。3. He has the ( ) of an honest man. 彼は正直な人みたいね。4. ( ) could I forget you? 忘れ…

Clouds in the sky

Cloud in the evening on Vimeo

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1、彼の目は彼女に釘付けです。She ( ) his eye.2、3、彼は彼女に夢中です。He ( ) on her.He is infatuated ( ) her.4、喉まででかかっているのですが、思い出せない。It's on the tip of my ( ).5、私の記憶は正しい。I'm ( ) on the m…



Holiday quiz in summer

Fill in the blanks.Q1.「どうせ寝つけないんだ。」 I couldn't get to sleep ( ).Q2. 「この暑さでは寝られない!」 I can't sleep ( ) this heat!Q3. 「このソファはベッドにもなる。」 This sofa ( ) into a bed.Q4. 「彼女はベッドでグッスリ寝ていた。…

Criminal mind

One of my favorite tv dramas is " Criminal mind ", about FBI team of the crime resercher and investigator.It reflects cruel and strange crimes among complexed and sick urban society in the U.S. It's just a drama and fiction for me...absolu…