Time in my life

I learned that things are shifting from manufacture to mechanical automatic technology everywhere from home to society around the world.
We can't live without technology or IT controlled mechanism.
I owe a lot of my life time on advanced technology and share the convenience.
I wonder how much time and money I saved by the recent technology.
The answer is that I didn't save time nor money by the technology but I wasted them too much...actually now.
I can finish laundry for an hour thanks to washing machine, while if not it would take as much as couple times.
I can cook faster thanks to the fridge and the microwave.
I don't have to shop every day thanks to the car with big baggages.
I can save time on domestic affairs.
However, where does time saved  go?
Most people go to work and time earns money because it's like the saying 'Time is money'.
It seems natural that we sell our time for money from the modern technology.
I sometimes think about our life time should be taken to recover ourselves.
I think it silly in my life how much time being wastful on the useless ...I can notice it .
I'm not sure but I'm not going to regret at least because I have no time to waste.
These words reminded me such feeling well.

Working late often, to plan the documents for the qualification
合理化の 資料作りで また徹夜       (夜明けは近い)

Killing my time with business and I found what happens at home on the wife's blog
家のこと 嫁のブログを 見てわかり    

It's such nonsense but scare nonfiction in these days.