Entries from 2014-02-01 to 1 month

Weekend quiz for Olympic 2

Useful English phrase for Olympic 2Fill in the blanks.Q1. Everything ( ) right. 「すべてがいい感じだ。」Q2. He's ( ) a god to us. 「神様みたいな存在だよ。」Q3. It was ( ) my wildest dreams.「想像をはるかに超えたすばらしいものでした。」Q4. …

Weekend quiz special for Olympic 1

Good expression for the Olympic !Fill in the blanks.1. Good for ( ). よくやったね。2. ( ) like Mao. さすが真央。3. You are pretty good ( ). あなたこそ相当上手よ。4. It's ( ) divine. ただただ素晴らしい。5. Well ( )! うまい!

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. ( )to your future. 君の未来に乾杯。2. Really? You must be ( )! 本当? 楽しみでしょう!3. ( ) come you know? どうして知っているの?4. ( ) do you mean? どういう意味ですか?5. ( ) not? どうしてだめなの?

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Go ( ) it! 行け行け!2. ( ) in there! 頑張れ!3. ( ) to go! その調子!4. ( ) down! 落ち着いて!5. No ( )! 焦るな!

Funny training

This is the one chosen up by readers on the blogger.It's introduced as the funniest videos to train cat on his way.It's a kind of animation film but the relationship between the owner and cat is so lovely!Google+