Entries from 2015-07-01 to 1 month

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Why ( ) give it a go? やってみたらどう?2. I'm not in the ( ). 乗り気がしないのよ。3. I think I'll ( ). 私はやめておくよ。4. Let's think ( ) the box. 固定概念をはずして考えよう。5. Why don't you take a ( )? 一度見てみ…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. You need to put his ( ) down. 断固とした態度をとるべきです。2. It might be better ( ) we gave it more time. もうちょっと時間をおいたほうがよいかもしれません。3. You've been working ( ). あたはずっと働きづめです。4. Th…

Weekend topic

What do you imagine from the pronunciation of those below?1. Kokoa2. Sakura3. Iroha4. Minato These words are showing the new trend in recent Japan.What do you guess ?The answer is to be shown later.