Entries from 2015-01-01 to 1 year



Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. That'll be ( ). 注文は以上です。2. Give me a ( ). 乗せてもらえますか?3. How should I ( ) it? なんと言っていいか...4. Let me ( ) ready. 支度してきます。5. ( ) in there. 頑張ってね。

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. He is in the ( ) of his life.彼は人生の絶頂期にいます。2. I'm having wheels ( ).私は、車輪を取り替えてもらっています。3. One thing's ( ) sure.ひとつだけ確かなことがあります。4. What's it ( ) for.お値段はいくらほどです…

Weekend quiz

Choose the correct answer A or B. 1. If I won the lottery, I'd go on a cruise. A. This is about the present. B. This is about the future. 2. It might not have been Sally A. The speaker thinks it probably was Sally. B. The speaker is fairly…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I'll ( ) you lunch.お昼ご飯をご馳走します。2. Let me ( ) for your coffee.コーヒー代を払わせて。3. I'll ( ) this.これをいただきます。4. Is it famous for ( ) special?特別に有名なものはありますか?5. " It's a ( ) like a …

Bon holiday quiz

Alphabet quiz1. Which letter is not me?2. Which letter is always trying to find reason?3. What letter can do the work in one day that you can do in two days?4. What letter is always waiting in order?5. What letter has got lots of water?

Weekend quiz

Guess which is the right answer.Q1. Which is the useful way to prevent dementia?A. Singing a songB. Taking a napC. Juggling otedamaQ2. Which activity is effective for training the brain?A. Counting numbers B. Chatting with different people…

English joke

It's an English joke. Fill in the blanks with two different words to make you fun!A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?B: It's a girl. She's my daughter.A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Why ( ) give it a go? やってみたらどう?2. I'm not in the ( ). 乗り気がしないのよ。3. I think I'll ( ). 私はやめておくよ。4. Let's think ( ) the box. 固定概念をはずして考えよう。5. Why don't you take a ( )? 一度見てみ…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. You need to put his ( ) down. 断固とした態度をとるべきです。2. It might be better ( ) we gave it more time. もうちょっと時間をおいたほうがよいかもしれません。3. You've been working ( ). あたはずっと働きづめです。4. Th…

Weekend topic

What do you imagine from the pronunciation of those below?1. Kokoa2. Sakura3. Iroha4. Minato These words are showing the new trend in recent Japan.What do you guess ?The answer is to be shown later.

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks. 1. ( ) ( ) you ( )? 元気だった? 2. I know what you ( ). 君の気持ちはわかるけど。 3. It's ( ) to be rain today. 今日は雨のようだ。 4. That ( ) ( ). 面白そうですね。 5. I can't ( ) it into ( ) well. 私はそれを言葉にでき…

Weekend quiz

Alphabet riddleQ1: What letter of the alphabet is an insect?Q2: What letter is a part of the head?Q3: What letter is a drink?Q4: What letter is a body of water?Q5: What letter is a vegetable?

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. ( ) speaking, the movie was boring.正直言って、その映画は退屈でした。2. ( ) speaking, this sentence is correct.文法的には、その文章は正しい。3. Quite ( ), I'm mystified.率直に言って、私は困惑しています。4. I ( ) say, …

Weekend quiz

An English jokeA man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog.He asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"The shopkeeper says, "No, my dog does not bite."The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him."Ouch," he says, "I thought y…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. This is ( ) in dieting. これはダイエットに効果がある。2. As a ( ), I try to exercise every day. 原則として私は毎日運動するようにしています。3. Are you trying to ( ) down? 痩せようとしていますか?4. You don't need to (…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Progress is in the ( ) so don't worry. 間もなく進展しますからご心配なく。2. I have a lot on my ( ). 心配ごとがたくさんあります。3. I really appreciate your ( ). 心配してくれてありがとう。 4. Let me know if there's ( )…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. Do you have a ( ) ? ちょっといい?2. Let's ( ) a time to meet. 会う時間を決めましょう。3. I'm sorry to ( ) you wait. お待たせしてすみません。4. It took more time than I had ( ). 思ったより時間がかかりました。5. ( ) い…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. You must be ( ). それは楽しみね。2. What do you ( )? どう?3. You look ( ). いかしているね!4. What ( ) that ? 何よ!あれは。5. It's very ( ). それは大いに疑問ね。

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. ( ) ( )! 冗談じゃない。2. ( ) my ( ). どうぞ。3. Who is ( ) ( ) here? ここの責任者は誰ですか?4. ( ) ( ) ( ). さあ着きましたよ。5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Japan? 日本に行ったことがありますか?

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. There is no ( ). 焦ることない。2. No, that's ( )( ). いいえ、遠慮しておきます。3. I'll be ( ) back. すぐに戻ります。4. How can I ( ) you? どうやってあなたに連絡をとれますか?5. The sky's the ( ). 限界などない!

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks.1. I always have my ( )congestion in the spring. 春になると、いつも鼻が詰まります。2. I have ( ) allergies all my life. ずっとこのかたアレルギーなんです。3. I like ( ) come and smell the blossoms here. ここに来て花のかお…

Weekend quiz

Fill in the blanks1. You need to ( ) your foot down. 断固とした態度をとる必要がある。2. It might be better if we ( ) it more time. もう少し時間を置いてから様子を見てもいいかもしれません。3. Don't ( ) the gun! 早まってはいけません。4. You'd…

Weekend riddle

Final Riddle 1. Who's it?Nobody knows but comes to see you.2. What's this?Once as hard as rock but disappear soon.Which one? 3. Which direction to the curve line? 4. Which way to the airline? 5. Which wood to the actor's studio? 6. Which h…

Riddle 6

What's it?Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I?

Riddle 5

What's that ?What is at the end of a rainbow?

Riddle 4

What am I?What can you catch but not throw?


What's it?What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?


What is it?What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Spring break riddle 1

Who is the man?Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son.