93th birthday

Today is Sadako's 93th birthday.
She was born in 1920, May 22.
She lived for three eras, Taisho, Showa and Heisei.
She was born in Tokyo and moved to Toyama during the War period, as it were escaped to the country.
Many people as well as she had a hard time post the war time.
That's why people who suffered from hungry and poor from the battle field.
She as well as my parents generation is tend to take things even the useless keeping not throwing away.
It's because of the value learned from the lackness in their youth.
I sometimes feel it annoying but have to pay respect their humble thought in other aspect.
Anyway Sadako is getting well old now.
You know she always says getting old become to get back to be baby when you were born.
I always think it true. We are always getting old and young, too.

My favorite Audry got old and well aged.